Group Reiki Hands on Practice
Group Reiki Pracrice "Hands on Reiki" 集體手療靈氣練習(所有級別均可參加)手当てと癒しレイキ実践会(初級以上)
Service Description
Group Reiki practice session for all levels of Usui Reiki practitioner Let’s practice hands on on others as many as possible, you may discover more about Reiki and your energy condition, because you will also be the one to receive Reiki in this session. The session is group practice and healing session. We also practice Reiki breathing and receiving short-Attunement during the session. What to bring : ◎Please wear comfortable outfit and easy to sit and lie down on the floor, please wear clean socks during the practice ◎Water bottle in case if you get thirsty この練習会は、臼井レイキ全レベルの受講生対象のクラスです。 呼吸法や簡易霊授を受けるほか、手当ての練習をメインに行います、他者への手当てをたくさん練習できるほか、手当てを受けることもたくさんできるヒーリングセッションです。 持ち物:床に寝てもよい恰好、清潔な靴下、喉が渇いたときの水筒 適合臼井靈氣所有級的同學 內容:靈氣呼吸法、簡易靈授、靈氣圈、手療法及其他有趣練習, 這個是小組練習和接受靈氣治療的課程 攜帶物品:可以睡在地板上的衣服、乾淨的襪子、口渴時用的水瓶
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
To secure your booking, we will ask you pay the fee before your class / session. The fee you paid is non-refundable. To make up class, please inform one day before. Please read and accept the terms and conditions by clicking the link below.
Contact Details
Hong Kong, Causeway Bay, Paterson Street, Shine Body & Soul Healing Center / Japan Reiki Association Hong Kong Chapter