Reiki Therapist Course Basic
Reiki Therapist Basic Course
Available spots
Service Description
Day 1 【Understanding as a Reiki therapist】 Hatsurei-ho Way of being as a Reiki therapist, Reiki therapist's frame of mind Practical session of Reiki therapy, learn the basic flow of whole body Reiki session *Task1 Write the essay about "How do you want to be after finishing this course Day 2 【Basic of Japanese traditional hands technique】 Hatsurei-ho Brush up about your sensing skill 4 kinds of traditional hands technique Reiki applying on the body (Reiki on the back) *Task2 Submit 4-5person's in-person Reiki session's report (Please submit during the course) Day 3 【How to understand HIBIKI】 Hatsurei-Ho How to understand HIBIKI ※The chart of HIBIKI Tips about Reiki hands healing technique ◎Touch from person's aura, value the healing rhythm, go beyond sensing, wrap the body with light etc Applying technique on the body face down Day 4 【What is True healing?】 Hatsurei-ho What is true healing? Applying Nentatsu-ho Check what you have learnt in this course - Apply Reiki on body final test The completion of the course "Basic Reiki Therapist" will be issued to the students who passed the final exam on day 4. Once you have completed this course, you can also enrol "Advance Reiki therapist course. After passing the final exam of "Advance Reiki Therapis course, the certificate of passing the exam will be issued from our head of Japan Reiki Association in Japan. Final Exam fee and the certificate fee from Japan is not included in the course fee.
Cancellation Policy
To secure your booking, we will ask you pay the fee before your class / session. The fee you paid is non-refundable. To make up sessions, please inform at least one day before. Please read and accept the terms and conditions by clicking the link below;
Contact Details
Hong Kong, Causeway Bay, Paterson Street, Shine Body & Soul Healing Center / Japan Reiki Association Hong Kong Chapter