Who can take this Reiki exam?
Q. Have you taken Usui Reiki Attunement Course 1st - 3rd in NPO Japan Reiki Association?
Yes → You can apply exam right now!
No, I had taken them from different teachers or different schools → Please take our NPO Japan Reiki Association's attunement course 1st - 3rd first then you can take exam.
Why do I take this Reiki exam?
If you want to know how much did you understand what you learnt about Reiki in the past, if you want to be a certified Usui Reiki teacher authorized by NPO Japan Reiki Association and teach Usui Reiki to people.
When can I become a certified Reiki teacher?
After you passed both written & practical exam, we can arrange the dates for you for Reiki teacher training. For more detail about Reiki teacher training, please visit the page Reiki teacher training.
Can I take exam even I am not thinking about becoming a Reiki teacher?
If you completed 1st - 3rd Level of Usui Reiki Attunement course with us, NPO Japan Reiki Association before, you can apply this exam. It is possible if you just take exam and measure how much you understand about Reiki, we would also issue the certificate 'Advanced Reiki Practitioner' after you passed 2 exams.
Examination Fee ... HK$1,390 for written/paper exam, HK$3,700 for practical exam
**It is optional whether you take Reiki practical exam or not after passing 1st written examination. It is also optional whether you take Reiki teacher training or not right after passing 1st and 2nd Reiki examination.
はい → すぐに検定をお申し込みいただけます。
いいえ → まず当協会の初級から上級講習をお受け下さい。
実力検定試験 ... HK$1,390 (筆記)、HK$3,700(実技)
Next Usui Reiki Written Exam will be 1st September, 2024. For more info, please contact us directly