22. June 2024
Let go of your Reiki energy to expand more
Do you have some thoughts that you cannot let go for long time? It is maybe something that you cannot sleep for many nights because you want to think enough to complete your projects, we cannot stop thinking about someone because you like them or you are worried about them so much, sometimes we have many "cannot let go" thinking. I would like to tell you about how to solve your over-thinking, if your head hurts because you keep thinking for long time, when you started to think that even if you...
09. June 2024
Reiki for emotional healing - Half Day Reiki Wellness Workshop
Want to know and learn more about how Reiki is helpful for our emotional healing? Sometimes we trap into too much anger, worries, anxiety, depression, isn't it great to know how you can help yourself and others? Date: Sunday 23rd June, at 1 - 4 pm Where: Shine Body & Soul Healing Center Contents: Experience and practice Reiki (healing modalities with hands), Reiki breathing and meditation, sharing the stories of how does Reiki work with us for emotional healing **Sometimes we are lying down...
04. June 2024
Effective way to practice meditation?
Are you a passionate meditation practitioner? I would like to tell you about the secret between Reiki practice and meditation. People naturally notice that meditation practice is much easier after you start practicing Reiki, explain to you in detail, such thing will get ready to happen after you received the attunement in the course. Of course, your Reiki practice needs to be continuous to maximize and stabilize your energy flow after your attunement course, but usually the people would notice...
28. May 2024
How to heal my migraine naturally for long term?
How to heal my migraine naturally for long term? Apply Reiki therapy - gentle hands healing therapy into your home care remedies, which you can also learn and practice too.
17. March 2024
Reiki therapy is helping your body energy boosted, this is different from massage, lymphatic treatment or body slimming or body realignment. Like we charge our moible phone, our body energy will also need to be charged, that what Reiki therapy can help. "Reiki" in Japanese means life force and the source of our vitality. After your body energy is filled with Reiki therapy, you may realize that "I feel a great relief physically and mentally" "I think less and became very calm" There is no such...
12. March 2024
REIKI 是靈氣的日文發音,它是日本現在不再使用的古老日語單詞之一,與中國的 Qi 或 Hei (氣)、印度的 Prana 或夏威夷的 Mana 的意思相同。 靈氣是所有生物賴以生存的基本能量,我們在體內循環它,使我們的身體能夠正常工作。 當我們的身體與靈氣能量流產生更多共鳴時,我們的能量就會更加和諧和平衡,另一方面,如果我們的能量狀況不平衡,我們就會生病和感覺不適。...
22. January 2024
Have you tried painful and disgusting blisters on your skin after the serious burn? In Japanese, there is a word called "te o ku re"(手遅れ or ておくれ), it means that the hands shouldn't be too late to give healing. I really learnt this lesson through my own Reiki practice experience. Long before when I burn my skin in the kitchen, because I didn't want to stop cooking, so I ignored the burn and continued cooking, then I only treated my painful and irritable skin by burn after 30mins or...
17. November 2023
There are thousands of reasons about why did you come to learn Reiki at the first time. Here I want to share one story with you, how to heal your house with you Reiki practice. I am not talking about exact Reiki techiniques, but I am talking about how your Reiki practice is surely and gradually influence around you. It is possible from Level 1, using the techinique that you learnt in Level 1. Trying self healing and Reiki breathing techinique everyday at home, helps your house absorbing more...
20. September 2023
“What you can see in front of you right now is how you see with your current energy condition” “Understand your own energy condition then you will be able to see the things wider and clearer” Don’t you think that sometimes you want to practice your meditation perfectly, but somehow you couldn’t focus your meditation, because you found something buzzing around your head? Even you want to focus but something is always disturbing you, it is then a good chance for you to realize and...
30. August 2023
Is Reiki helpful to charge your social battery? Your social battery is the internal energy resource that allows you to interact with others in a healthy, meaningful way. It's a mental, physical, and emotional reserve that allows us to engage in meaningful relationships and conversations with those around us. Let's start to think from how Reiki energy relate to our vitality - a strong intrinsic will to survive (natural ability to heal, self regulatory power). This will to survive and natural...

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